Horsegirl, with Lifeguard and Answering Machines at metro :O im pretty sure this was AMs biggest show they ever played.. that venue is huge!!! im so proud of them....
february 17, 2025
big night at the empty bottle! my friend isabel joined TV Buddha on bass for the first time and it was delightful. My friends Bungee Jumpers also played and it was awesome and the bassist is hot
january 26, 2025
Answering Machines show at the fallen log!! the openers were also rlly good but Parking from louisville, kentuky stood out the most to me!! i also liked Memory Card. i got tapes from both bands. But obvisusly answering machines was the peak of the night, its such a fun band to watch and jump around in the crowd.
january 8, 2025
saw your arms are my cocoon at subterranean with my friend mimi. YAAMC do shows in chicago a lot (arent they from here??) but this was my first time seeing them :)
Integer vestibulum scelerisque leo, ut pretium orci consectetur vitae. Cras at elit quis purus rhoncus tincidunt sit amet non nisl. Phasellus hendrerit pulvinar porttitor. Mauris molestie gravida risus. Praesent convallis urna sapien, quis commodo ex tempus id. Ut accumsan rhoncus eros et mattis. Vestibulum consequat sit amet ante commodo tincidunt. Cras non lectus dapibus, pellentesque orci et, porta mi. Nulla facilisi.
Phasellus a placerat mi. Nunc id lacinia sapien, et varius orci. Donec dictum suscipit magna ut suscipit. Quisque ullamcorper quam leo, sed facilisis massa facilisis nec. Nullam accumsan, ipsum ut lobortis condimentum, quam justo dapibus nisi, ac ultricies nulla lectus ac purus. Nam ut augue vitae arcu hendrerit gravida. Mauris pulvinar lorem vel quam interdum pretium. Cras sed viverra velit, non ornare nulla. Ut a eros pharetra, tincidunt nisi vel, facilisis ex. Nulla ut euismod erat, maximus euismod dui.